Fun-A-Day in Providence!

Providence is looking likely to be the next city to host a FUN A DAY art event this January and February. The premise of FUN A DAY, which began in Philadelphia 6 years ago, is simple: The belief that everyone is an artist and everything we make is art.Accordingly, artists pick a project (take a photograph, make the bed, write a haiku, draw a picture of your dog, bake a vegan cake, write a poem on a sock, etc), do it every day for the month of January, then show your work in a big group show in February. A recent transplant from Philly, and a group of local volunteer enthusiasts are currently in the process of organizing the event. Interested planners will be very warmly welcomed at the next collaborative meeting: Thursday, December 2nd, 7:15 pm at Tea in the Sahara on Governor Street in Providence.

For more information about FUN A DAY and how it works: