Call for Participation

Dear friends, teachers, and family:
What if it was your task, your purpose, to create something -- ANYTHING you wanted. every day for a month?

As busy individuals, how often do we sit to create for the simple pleasure of creating something beautiful, meaningful, or inspiring? How often do we create for the simple pleasure of simply creating?

In the shower, on a drive, run, walk, in conversation with a friend, in appreciation of nature. Wherever it happens - Ideas come, Inspiration strikes.
Yet we have something more 'important' to do. I know this all too well.

But everything we do is AN art. Everything we create IS art.

Given these principles, myself and an enthusiastic group of people in Providence have taken on the task to create a Fun A Day project for our community:

Fun-a-Day premise:
The premise of FUN A DAY, which began in Philadelphia 6 years ago, is simple: The belief that everyone is an artist and everything we make is art. Artists pick a project (take a photograph, make the bed, write a haiku, draw a picture of your dog, bake a vegan cake, write a poem on a sock, etc) and do it every day for the month of January and then show the work in a big group show in February.

For more information visit:

If you're reading this, you either might be interested in participating, or have contact with those who would.

So, Please spread the word.

We have just secured a space for the February event (yea!) and are looking for excited community members to join and more importantly: CREATE.

For more information on previous Fun A Day's, visit:

Here's to the artist in all of us,


Write comments
December 7, 2010 at 11:50 AM delete

Great work Providence! I'm excited for you project/show!
